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Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Pharooq Mirza is an orthodontist based in Birmingham at St Paul's Square Dental Pra... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Взрослая ортодонтия
- Детская ортодонтия
- Invisalign®
- Лингвальные брекеты
- Невидимая ортодонтия
- Эстетическая ортодонтия
- Взрослая ортодонтия
- Детская ортодонтия
- Invisalign®
- Лингвальные брекеты
- Невидимая ортодонтия
- Эстетическая ортодонтия
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Pharooq Mirza is an orthodontist based in Birmingham at St Paul's Square Dental Practice. He is well-versed in fixed orthodontics, children's orthodontics, and Invisalign,... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 20 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Dentist, St Paul's Square Dental Practice (present) подробнее
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Dr Pharooq Mirza
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Dr Pharooq Mirza
Studio 1, 51 St Paul's Square
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Top Doctors
Dr Pharooq Mirza
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Pharooq Mirza is an orthodontist based in Birmingham at St Paul's Square Dental Practice. He is well-versed in fixed orthodontics, children's orthodontics, and Invisalign, among others. He works closely with other top dentists based at St Paul's to deliver a multidisciplinary service to patients.
Dr Mirza graduated from the University of Liverpool before going on to complete a 12-month course in aesthetic restorative dentistry. Since qualifying, he has been practising in Dudley.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 85602
- Английский
Dr Pharooq Mirza
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Rakesh Jayaswal is a highly regarded consultant ophthalmologist at Laser Vision clinic ... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- роговица
- Катаракта
- Лазерная хирургия глаза
- Искусственные хрусталики
- Имплантация заднекамерной интраокулярной линзы
- Заболевания роговицы
- роговица
- Катаракта
- Лазерная хирургия глаза
- Искусственные хрусталики
- Имплантация заднекамерной интраокулярной линзы
- Заболевания роговицы
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Rakesh Jayaswal is a highly regarded consultant ophthalmologist at Laser Vision clinic where he is the medical director. He specialises in cornea, cataract surgery, laser eye surgery подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 15 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Founder & Director and Consultant Ophthalmologist, LaserVision UK (2010 - present)Consultant... подробнее
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Mr Rakesh Jayaswal
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Mr Rakesh Jayaswal
Compass Road, North Harbour
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Mr Rakesh Jayaswal
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Rakesh Jayaswal is a highly regarded consultant ophthalmologist at Laser Vision clinic where he is the medical director. He specialises in cornea, cataract surgery, laser eye surgery, lens replacement, dry eyes and corneal diseases.
Having initially trained in general surgery, he embarked on his ophthalmic journey, securing a teaching role at the University of Sheffield. Gaining further expertise through positions at St. Georges Hospital, London, and the Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham, he transitioned to a consultant role following the completion of his training. Rakesh Jayaswal pursued specialised fellowship training in cornea and refractive surgery at the renowned Manchester Royal Eye Hospital.
Assuming his consultant role in 2009, Mr. Jayaswal has been at the helm of the corneal service, spearheading the introduction of cutting-edge techniques such as lamellar and endothelial corneal transplants, along with the latest innovations for keratoconus treatment. His expertise lies in managing intricate corneal and anterior segment conditions, as well as excelling in cataract and refractive surgery.
A fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists in London and the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, he also holds memberships in the American and European Society of Refractive Surgeons. His contributions extend to multiple peer-reviewed journal publications and presentations at over 30 national and international conferences.
Esteemed by peers, Mr. Jayaswal has shared his insights at prestigious events including the American Academy of Ophthalmologists, Royal College of Ophthalmologists, EU Cornea, European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons, Royal Society of Medicine in London, ARVO, EVER, Oxford Congress, the UK & Eire Glaucoma Society Meeting, and even appeared on BBC Radio 4 to discuss advancements in cataract treatment.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4445975
- Английский
Mr Rakesh Jayaswal
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Miss Sarah Mills is a highly-reputable colorectal surgeon based in London. From her NHS ba... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Хирургическое лечение свища заднего прохода
- рак кишечника
- Колоректальный рак
- Эндоскопия
- Воспалительное заболевание кишечника (IBD)
- Emorroidi
- Хирургическое лечение свища заднего прохода
- рак кишечника
- Колоректальный рак
- Эндоскопия
- Воспалительное заболевание кишечника (IBD)
- Emorroidi
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Miss Sarah Mills is a highly-reputable colorectal surgeon based in London. From her NHS base at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital she specialises in colorectal cancer подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 25 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London (present) подробнее
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Miss Sarah Mills
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Miss Sarah Mills
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Miss Sarah Mills
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Miss Sarah Mills is a highly-reputable colorectal surgeon based in London. From her NHS base at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital she specialises in colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease and haemmorhoids though her expertise is far wider. She is a JAG-accredited endoscopist and is developing a specialist practice in interventional endoscopy and cutting-edge techniques for treating complex polyps and early rectal cancers.
She has an active interest in surgical research and has published widely in peer-reviewed journals. In 2022, she was appointed as the national training lead for JAG, the body that oversees endoscopy training and accreditation. You can see Miss Mills' medical data showing her surgical and endoscopy numbers and length of stay here: https://www.phin.org.uk
Miss Mills has an interest in Global Health and regularly leads and teaches courses in low and middle income countries in Africa. These include the SAFE OR course, a multidisciplinary course for theatre teams of surgeons, anaesthetists and nurses focussing on using non- technical skills such as communication, leadership, situational awareness, decision making and conflict resolution to improve patient safety and outcomes.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4529930
Miss Sarah Mills
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr David Christopher Rees is a renowned consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon based in... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Замена бедренного сустава
- Протезирование коленного сустава
- Спортивные травмы являются повреждения
- восстановление хряща
- Передняя крестообразная связка
- Частичное хирургии коленного или Unicondylar
- Замена бедренного сустава
- Протезирование коленного сустава
- Спортивные травмы являются повреждения
- восстановление хряща
- Передняя крестообразная связка
- Частичное хирургии коленного или Unicondylar
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr David Christopher Rees is a renowned consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon based in Chelmsford, who specialises in primary total подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 30 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon, Springfield Hospital (April 2006 - Present)Consult... подробнее
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Mr Christopher Rees
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Mr Christopher Rees
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Mr Christopher Rees
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr David Christopher Rees is a renowned consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon based in Chelmsford, who specialises in primary total hip replacement, total knee replacement and sports injuries, alongside meniscal and cartilage surgery, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and partial knee replacement. He privately practices for Springfield Hospital and his NHS base is Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust.
Mr Rees is a dedicated practitioner with an esteemed education, having been awarded an MBBS in Medicine from the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, University of London, and a BSc (Hons) in Biological and Clinical Science from St Mary's Hospital Medical School, University of London. He underwent basic training at leading London centres including the Hammersmith Hospital, the Royal Brompton Hospital and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery before commencing specialist training in trauma and orthopaedic surgery. This took place at the internationally-respected Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH) in Middlesex.
Mr Rees went on to gain further knowledge and training via a knee fellowship by the British Association for Surgery of the Knee (BASK) at the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, Derby, and Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham. There, he developed his skills in reconstructive knee surgery including arthroscopic cruciate ligament reconstruction, revision knee replacement and computer-assisted knee surgery
Mr Rees' clinical research has been published in various peer-reviewed journals and he also has significant medical and surgical teaching experience. He is an Assigned Educational Supervisor for the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS Eng) at Broomfield Hospital, where he oversees the training of junior surgeons, while he has also taught on surgical skills courses organised by RCS and lectured on various courses at the RNOH.
He is also a double fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, passing both the FRCS and FRCS (Tr&Orth) examinations, and an active member of various professional associations including the British Orthopaedic Association (BOA), the British Association for Surgery of the Knee (BASK) and the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA).
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4070041
- Английский
Mr Christopher Rees
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Colette Griffin is a leading consultant neurologist based in London, with over 30 years... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Черепно-мозговые травмы
- головная боль
- Нейрореабилитация
- Черепно-мозговые травмы
- головная боль
- Нейрореабилитация
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Colette Griffin is a leading consultant neurologist based in London, with over 30 years of experience. She has extensive experience in numerous neurological conditions and treatments, with her areas of expertise including ... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 30 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant neurologist, Nuffield Parkside Hospital, Wimbledon (present)Consultant neurologist, S... подробнее
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Seguros médicos aceptados
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Dr Colette Griffin
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Dr Colette Griffin
801 London Rd, Cheam, Worcester Park, Sutton
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22 Worple Way Wimbledon London SW19 4DD
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184 Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames
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Top Doctors
Dr Colette Griffin
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Colette Griffin is a leading consultant neurologist based in London, with over 30 years of experience. She has extensive experience in numerous neurological conditions and treatments, with her areas of expertise including traumatic brain injury, general neurology, headache, neurorehabilitation and brain health.
Dr Griffin frequently reviews sports men and women who are concerned regarding the impact concussion is having on their brain. She regularly advises patients who compete in a variety of sports, both nationally and internationally. Dr Griffin has an international patient base in addition to patients based within the United Kingdom. She is often asked to give second opinions regarding traumatic brain injury. Dr Griffin also has an interest in the importance of brain health in the aging population and is happy to discuss any concerns patients may have about this.
Dr Griffin currently practices privately at Nuffield Health Parkside Hospital, Wimbledon and Spire St Anthony’s Hospital, Sutton. She is globally renowned for her expertise in traumatic brain injuries, and currently serves as clinical lead for traumatic brain injury at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr Griffin first qualified with an MBBS from St Bartholomew’s Medical School, University of London in 1993. She then when on to receive her MD from University College London in 2003, and FRCP from the Royal College of Physicians. She completed her neurological training at some of the UK’s most prestigious hospitals, including the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, the Royal London Hospital and Charing Cross Hospital.
In addition to her clinical work, Dr Griffin has a strong background in medical research, having published numerous articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, as well as book chapters. She is a member of various organisations and associations, including the Association of British Neurologists, the British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine and the British Society of Neurological Surgeons Specialist Interest Group for Head Injuries.
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Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4012814
- Английский
Dr Colette Griffin
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Sacheen Kumar is a highly experienced Consultant Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) Surgeon wi... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Гастроэзофагеальная рефлюксная болезнь
- желудочно-кишечное кровотечение
- Гастроскопия
- Верхняя желудочно-кишечной хирургии
- Заболевания пищеварительной системы
- Боли в животе у детей
- Гастроэзофагеальная рефлюксная болезнь
- желудочно-кишечное кровотечение
- Гастроскопия
- Верхняя желудочно-кишечной хирургии
- Заболевания пищеварительной системы
- Боли в животе у детей
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Sacheen Kumar is a highly experienced Consultant Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) Surgeon with expertise in managing oesophago-gastric cancer, GIST tumors, and other benign Upper GI conditions. He holds an honorary aca... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 25 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant General and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon in Cleveland Clinic London Hospital (present) подробнее
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Mr Sacheen Kumar
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Mr Sacheen Kumar
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Top Doctors
Mr Sacheen Kumar
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Sacheen Kumar is a highly experienced Consultant Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) Surgeon with expertise in managing oesophago-gastric cancer, GIST tumors, and other benign Upper GI conditions. He holds an honorary academic role as clinical senior lecturer in the division of surgery at Imperial College London and leads the Upper GI Surgical Oncology Research Group within the Division of Radiotherapy & Imaging at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR).
After earning his medical degree from Imperial College London, Mr Kumar pursued his General Surgical Training in the London Deanery and specialised in Upper GI Surgery at prestigious institutions, including Royal Free London, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, and University College London Hospitals. He further honed his skills in minimally invasive techniques for Upper GI cancers during a fellowship at the National Cancer Centre (NCC) in Seoul.
His doctoral research, completed in 2014, focused on breath analysis for early cancer detection, earning him a PhD from Imperial College and subsequent roles such as NIHR Clinical Lecturer and CRUK-funded postdoctoral researcher. Recognized for his innovative contributions, he became a Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2018.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 6130157
- Английский
Mr Sacheen Kumar
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Ravindran Ranjith is a leading consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon in London, Bre... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Протезирование коленного сустава
- Роботизированная хирургия
- Частичное хирургии коленного или Unicondylar
- Замена коленного сустава
- Замена бедренного сустава
- восстановление хряща
- Протезирование коленного сустава
- Роботизированная хирургия
- Частичное хирургии коленного или Unicondylar
- Замена коленного сустава
- Замена бедренного сустава
- восстановление хряща
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Ravindran Ranjith is a leading consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon in London, Brentwood and Southend-on-Sea who specialises... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 30 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, Weymouth Street Hospital (present)Consultant Trauma a... подробнее
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Mr Ravindran Kuzhupilly Ranjith
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Mr Ravindran Kuzhupilly Ranjith
Eagle Way, Great Warley, Warley
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18-22 Queen Anne Street
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42-46 Weymouth St, London
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9 Harley St, London W1G 9QY, United Kingdom
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Essex Healthcare Park, W Hanningfield Rd, Great Baddow, Chelmsford CM2 8HN, United Kingdom
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Mr Ravindran Kuzhupilly Ranjith
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Ravindran Ranjith is a leading consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon in London, Brentwood and Southend-on-Sea who specialises in knee replacement surgery, including partial and full replacements and revision surgery.
Mr Ranjith is also an expert in hip replacement and in arthroscopy of the knee and ankle, including ACL reconstructions and cartilage regeneration procedures like micro-fracture and stem cells. He undertakes forefoot reconstruction and ankle surgery on a regular basis.
Mr Ranjith completed his postgraduate training in England (Liverpool, Bournemouth, Harrogate), Ireland and the USA, and was subsequently awarded fellowships in adult spine at the Cleveland Clinic, USA and knee surgery at the Royal Bournemouth hospital as well as Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals. Notably, in 2008, he was awarded a travelling fellowship that took him to centres of excellence in Germany. Mr Ranjith has, to date, published an extensive amount of book chapters and papers in peer-reviewed journals
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Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4244662
- Английский
- малаялам
Mr Ravindran Kuzhupilly Ranjith
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Khalid Khan is a consultant cardiologist and general medicine specialist whose areas of... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Ишемическая болезнь сердца
- Инфаркт/стенокардия
- боль в груди
- Артериальная гипертензия
- Сердечная недостаточность
- Клапанные пороки
- Ишемическая болезнь сердца
- Инфаркт/стенокардия
- боль в груди
- Артериальная гипертензия
- Сердечная недостаточность
- Клапанные пороки
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Khalid Khan is a consultant cardiologist and general medicine specialist whose areas of expertise are in cardiovascular medicine. He specialises in cardiac arrhythmias, he... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 30 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Cardiologist, Spire Yale Hospital, Wrexham (present) Consultant Cardiologist, Nu... подробнее
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Dr Khalid Khan
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Dr Khalid Khan
Wrexham Technology Park, Croesnewydd Rd
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Top Doctors
Dr Khalid Khan
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Khalid Khan is a consultant cardiologist and general medicine specialist whose areas of expertise are in cardiovascular medicine. He specialises in cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, angina, cardiomyopathies, and other forms of coronary heart disease, valve disease and inherited cardiac conditions as well as sudden death and high blood pressure, cardiac risk assessment and screening. He has considerable expertise in the assessment and management of patients with chest pain, palpitations, breathlessness, dizziness blackouts, or loss of consciousness.
Dr Khan graduated from St John’s College, Cambridge in 1994 and further trained in Newcastle, Cambridge, and Leicester. He completed his specialist training in both cardiology and general internal medicine in Liverpool.
Dr Khan is an honorary lecturer at Cardiff University and a visiting lecturer at several other universities. He is involved in both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in the UK and abroad. He is a well established expert witness both in the UK and internationally and regularly gives evidence in civil, criminal, coroner, tribunal, and disciplinary cases as well as undertaking independent reviews for Trusts and the Health Ombudsman.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4066428
- Английский
Dr Khalid Khan
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Akash Patel is a consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon based in London and is an As... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Артроскопия коленного сустава
- Мениски
- Передняя крестообразная связка
- Артроскопия бедренного сустава
- Замена бедренного сустава
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- Артроскопия коленного сустава
- Мениски
- Передняя крестообразная связка
- Артроскопия бедренного сустава
- Замена бедренного сустава
- Протезирование коленного сустава
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Akash Patel is a consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon based in London and is an Associate Professor (University College London). He specialises in knee arthroscopy, h... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 20 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, The Wellington Hospital (February 2021 - present)Cons... подробнее
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Mr Akash Patel
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Mr Akash Patel
Cavell Dr, Uplands Park Rd, Enfield EN2 7PR
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Top Doctors
Mr Akash Patel
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Akash Patel is a consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon based in London and is an Associate Professor (University College London). He specialises in knee arthroscopy, hip arthroscopy, meniscal repair, ACL reconstruction, hip replacement and knee replacement. He privately practices at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital, the Royal Free Hospital - Private Patient Unit and BMI The Kings Oak Hospital as well as The Wellington Hospital. His NHS base is the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.
Mr Patel, who is double-fellowship trained, prides himself in providing the best-possible outcomes for his patients while using evidence-based technologies and enhanced recovery techniques. He also utilises innovative, non-invasive treatments for management of hip and knee disorders including biologics (PRP) and bracing.
Mr Patel is highly qualified and double-fellowship trained. He graduated from University College London (UCL) with an MBBS (2005) and a BSc (Hons) in Neuroscience. Following this, he undertook trauma and orthopaedic training on the Imperial Northwest London rotation. Towards the end of his training, he was awarded various fellowships including international ones in locations including Australia, Switzerland and South Africa. Mr Patel also has an MSc in Evidence-Based Orthopaedics from Warwick University.
Complementing his prestigious and well-earned clinical and academic career, Mr Patel is an Associate Professor at University College London and an honorary senior lecturer for Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. Furthermore, his keen interest in advanced orthopaedic training for all healthcare professionals is reflected in his roles as an advanced trauma life support instructor for the Royal College of Surgeons of England and director for multiple national orthopaedic masterclass surgical training courses.
Mr Patel has written various research papers that have been published in peer-reviewed journals, is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (England) and underwent prestigious specialist fellowships at Royal Berkshire and Royal Free London Hospitals.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 6130004
- Гуджара́ти
- Английский
Mr Akash Patel
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Mohamed Farag is a leading consultant interventional cardiologist based in Newcastle up... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Интервенционная кардиология
- TAVI транскатетерная аортальная имплантация клапана
- Инвазивная коронарография и кардиология
- Ишемическая болезнь сердца
- Инфаркт/стенокардия
- Клапанные пороки
- Интервенционная кардиология
- TAVI транскатетерная аортальная имплантация клапана
- Инвазивная коронарография и кардиология
- Ишемическая болезнь сердца
- Инфаркт/стенокардия
- Клапанные пороки
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Mohamed Farag is a leading consultant interventional cardiologist based in Newcastle upon Tyne. He specialises in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), chronic total o... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 15 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant interventional cardiologist, Freeman Hospital - NHS and Private healthcare подробнее
Оценки пациентов
Seguros médicos aceptados
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Dr Mohamed Farag
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Dr Mohamed Farag
Si haces uso de este teléfono facilitado por TOP DOCTORS nos autorizas al tratamiento de tu teléfono para fines estadísticos y comerciales. Para más información, lee nuestra Политика конфиденциальности
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Top Doctors
Dr Mohamed Farag
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Mohamed Farag is a leading consultant interventional cardiologist based in Newcastle upon Tyne. He specialises in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), chronic total occlusions (CTO) and mechanical circulatory support (MCS) alongside transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), percutaneous valve interventions and percutaneous paravalvular leak closures. He privately practises at the world-class Freeman Hospital, while his NHS base is The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr Farag graduated with honours from Ain Shams University, Egypt, and following this he pursued advanced training at the prestigious Royal Papworth Hospital in Cambridge. He then went on to undertake fellowships in complex coronary and structural interventions, followed by a substantive consultant post at Newcastle Freeman Hospital. Additionally, he is a Lead Senior Researcher in cardiovascular sciences at the University of Hertfordshire.
Dr Farag completed a mini-MBA in healthcare management and leadership from the Cambridge Judge Business School. He furthered his academic achievements by obtaining an MSc in internal medicine and cardiovascular sciences from the University of Edinburgh, as well as a PhD in interventional cardiovascular sciences from the University of Hertfordshire.
Dr Farag's research interests focus on thrombosis, heart attack risk-stratification and standardising treatments for structural heart interventions. He has contributed significantly to expanding knowledge in these areas through numerous high-quality publications and lectures at national and international conferences. As a principal investigator, he leads several national and international trials, demonstrating his commitment to advancing cardiovascular medicine.
Dr Farag has received accolades and awards for his exemplary service and dedication to patient care. He is an active member of several professional organisations and serves as an editor and senior reviewer for numerous leading cardiovascular journals.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 7032279
- Арабский
- Английский